For my final semester of my MFA at the Vermont College of Fine Arts I set out to find a balance between the personal and the political. I intended to explore my father's farm in rural Northern Kentucky as a way to question how corporate farming models were destroying the family farm in America. What I discovered as I began my inquisition was a much more complicated relationship between the farmer, environment, and local and national business interests. I also discovered that many of the artifacts I investigated were triggering memories that I had long forgotten. It has become a complicated inquiry into the way that memory and perspective can shape our politics, and the role that the land, the very earth itself, plays in a complex relationship between a gravel pit, my father and me.

Monday, May 3, 2010


In my last visit to my father's farm, I became interested in the borders that exist. There are borders that exist visually between different types of crops in the fields. There are physical fences that separate cattle from fields and from each other. There are fences that define where one person's property ends and another begins. Most interesting to me is the presence of man-made hills of dirt created by the gravel pit around the perimeter of all of their mines. These "berms" have existed as long as the gravel pits have, but the recent expansion of the pits has made me more conscious of their existence. The most recent addition is this monstrous construction that separates the pit from my father's farm and from the main road that runs through town.

I imagined that these barriers served multiple purposes, specifically keeping people out and keeping people from seeing the work that was taking place inside. But there was another intended purpose for these piles that I hadn't considered. This clip from an interview with my father explains another purpose.


  1. Quite interesting! Is there a way to shoot a photo that would give a sense of scale of berm? There might be a way to incorporate the physical form suggested by the berm into your installation. Your thoughts?

  2. Yeah, I can get a photo. The dirt portion of the installation was already going to be based visually on the berms. I'll sketch up a couple of different possibilities before our meeting this weekend.

